Charlotte, North Carolina Newborn baby, maternity and children's, Wedding photographer Angela Shea

Charlotte Newborn baby and family photographer and Intimate Wedding Photographer » Charlotte Newborn, family and wedding Photography

Charlotte family Photographer – among the buttercups

I am not sure about you, but there is something about the summer that speeds up time. Perhaps it is because we want to fit every little, delightful thing into just a few short months. Perhaps, it is because we are constantly living life in “on” mode. Summertime is a chance for us to slow down and just be present and in the moment. Photography does just that. It slows things down a bit, if only for a little while and records our special moments. It is not just about getting that perfect smile or family pose but truly capturing a season of our lives and the little things that make it special.

“Sometimes we will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory” Dr. Seuss


I love these images from the K family !




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